Capt Bob’s Conquer the Job Interview
The #1 Selling Firefighter Interview Exam Prep in the Country

Available only by Immediate Digital Download!

Since 1950, our seminars and entry-level products have successfully prepared over 60,000 applicants for firefighter examinations across the country.

The firefighter interview is one of the most misunderstood and least prepared for portion of the testing process. I've seen candidates with great credentials, but can't present the package at the interview. And, if you can't present the package, you don't get the job…period! Never! Ever!

Are you a firefighter applicant that wants to shorten the learning curve between you and that coveted fire department badge?
Do you want to find out what skills you may be missing when answering your firefighter interview questions?
Do you feel like you have hit a wall in your oral board interviews and you don't know what to do next?
Have you already figured out that you just can't wing your firefighter interview?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you need to get Capt. Bob's Firefighter Interview Program that has helped thousands of individuals to get the job of their dreams.

Capt Bob will teach you how to get bonus points by personalizing your answer. The "Nugget Principle" enables firefighter oral interview applicants to personalize their presentations to separate them from the "clone" candidates. No one else can tell your story. Once you start lacing answers with your personal life experiences, no matter if they aren't fire department related, is where you start creating the magic.

If you don't know how to establish yourself and the other essential skills needed to score high enough, you might as well not show up. You'll never get the job! The goal is to convince the firefighter interview oral board that you can do the job before you get it. Stories demonstrate your experience. They tell the board that you not only know the answer to a firefighter interview question, you have already lived it.

Don McNea Fire School Endorsement: Capt Bob’s Firefighter Oral Interview programs are the only outside product that we promote on our website. We offer these programs to our customers because of the hundreds of testimonials we have received from fire applicants that have used this program over the last 20 years to get that coveted fire department badge.

We firmly believe that it is the number one firefighter oral interview program in the country bar none.


To dramatically increase your chances of finishing in the top percentile, we will include the download bonus material FREE with your purchase.  

  • Encyclopedia of Firefighter Examinations – Over 500 questions divided into 16 of the most common testing subjects used on exams around the country. Sold HERE normally for $29.95! 
  • Don McNea Fire School’s How to Become a Firefighter Booklet which contains over 100 articles from the nation’s top entry-level authors.  These articles cover the written, oral, psychological, physical agility and much more – click HERE for a look at the table of contents.


Your investment in this firefighter interview prep package will actually be returned to you in your first two hours as a firefighter! When considering the cost of this preparatory package, view it as an investment in your future and the future of your family.

We have been preparing applicants since 1950; this is what our business specializes in. If you feel at this time that you are adequately prepared for your oral interview, we wish you the best of luck. If you want that extra edge over your competition that our oral interview exam prep will provide, this prep package is for you! And, remember that luck goes to the prepared!

If you are not completely satisfied, we will refund 100% of product cost - no questions asked! This website is run by Chief Officers and Firefighters that have done everything to make sure your purchase and privacy are secure.

There have been thousands of successful candidates who have used Capt Bob's Firefighter Interview Program. Below are just a couple of comments: