Wheeling, West Virginia, Fire Department

Exam Preparation

Wheeling Fire Department
1500 Chapline St
Wheeling WV 26003

Since 1950, Don McNea Fire School has successfully prepared over 60,000 applicants for firefighter examinations across the country.

Over 500-Question Custom-Designed Preparatory Package

Immediate Digital Download Available!                                           Purchase Digital Download     Purchase Hard Copy

You will receive over 500 in-depth, custom-designed multiple choice practice examination questions specifically structured to the testing subjects for your Wheeling Firefighter Exam - this is not generic testing!

  • Mathematic Reasoning – includes step-by-step instructional for each question
  • Reading Ability
  • Human Relations
  • Writing Ability
  • Map Reading
  • Reasoning Skills


Workstyles/Personality Exam

This portion will deal with situations and questions about you that are trying to identify whether or not you have the key personality traits and behaviors of a successful firefighter.

99% of all firefighter applicants have never taken a Workstyles/Personality examination.  We have the key insight for this portion of your exam to put you in the top percentile to be hired!

This portion will be worth over 50% of your final exam score and will be the key to your examination - this is where the ballgame will be won!



To dramatically increase your chances of finishing in the top percentile, we will include the download bonus material FREE with your purchase.  

  • Encyclopedia of Firefighter Examinations – Over 500 questions divided into 16 of the most common testing subjects used on exams around the country. Sold HERE normally for $29.95! 
  • NEW BONUS - Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Book.   Don McNea Fire School’s Firefighter Written Exam Reading Comprehension and Mathematics Book contains over 200 multiple-choice questions from every reading comprehension format used in examinations across the country.  The mathematics section contains over 200 multiple-choice questions with, most importantly, a step-by-step instructional review for each question.  Sold HERE normally for $19.95!

  • Don McNea Fire School’s How to Become a Firefighter Booklet which contains over 100 articles from the nation’s top entry-level authors.  These articles cover the written, oral, psychological, physical agility and much more – click HERE for a look at the table of contents.

  • Don McNea Fire School’s Firefighter Hiring Guide Notebook
    • Firefighter examination preparation strategies and our top-scoring test-taking and physical agility strategies.
    • Top-scoring oral interview strategies and sample questions.
    • FirePrep.com's fire department information sheets which allow you to keep track of phone numbers, addresses, test dates, special requirements, and other pertinent information you will need to prepare before the examination.
    • List of the top 150 major fire departments including their addresses and phone numbers so that you can keep track of the most current exam information.  

Your Opportunity...

Your investment in this exam prep package will actually be returned to you in your first two hours as a firefighter! When considering the cost of this preparatory package, view it as an investment in your future and the future of your family.