Since 1950, Don McNea Fire School has successfully prepared over 60,000 applicants for firefighter examinations across the country.

Cleveland, Ohio, Fire Department

Cleveland Civil Service Commission
601 Lakeside Avenue E. #119
Cleveland OH 44114



Don’t wait – you can start preparing for this exam IMMEDIATELY with our At-Home Prep Package!

We have prepared thousands of applicants in over 100 cities to take the National Testing Network examination (same examiner as your Cleveland exam).  This is a very unique examination and we have had extremely successful results with our exam prep. 

IMPORTANT EXAM NOTE:  Although the City of Cleveland still has a 10-point residency credit, because of the new test format, 30% of the top 100 applicants on the eligibility list from a prior Cleveland Firefighter Exam did not have residency points, including many individuals who were from out of state!  Of the 89 fire cadets in a past Fire Academy class, 45 do not live in the City of Cleveland!

Don McNea Fire School has over 70 years’ experience preparing applicants for Cleveland Firefighter examinations!

Since 1992, 726 out of the 868 firefighters hired by the Cleveland Fire Department were Don McNea Fire School students! 

Results from applicants who recently prepared with Don McNea Fire School's exam preparatory products for the Cleveland Firefighter Exams were Don McNea Fire School had 176 of the top 200 scores, 88%!

Remember that the higher your score on the examination, the higher your ranking on the eligibility list, which will put you in the position to be hired as a Cleveland Firefighter.


Over 375-Question At-Home Preparatory Package

Immediate Digital Download Available!

This highly intensive preparatory package includes over 375 in-depth practice examination questions specifically developed for the following testing subjects for your Cleveland National Testing Network/FireTeam/Ergometrics Firefighter Exam – this is not generic testing!

  • Mathematics
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Human Relations - Able to Deal with Diverse Situations and to Follow Orders and Reason through Situations99% of applicants have never taken this type of examination. This testing subject is the key to your examination – you will practice with over 120 questions specifically designed for this important portion of your examination.  This is where the ballgame will be won! 

Part of your hiring process for the Cleveland Fire Department will include a psychological exam after the written.  We are including Don McNea Fire School’s Psychological Written and Oral Psychological Exam Preparation ($40 value!) to help you prepare for this portion. The failure rate on this portion is over 35% - don’t let this stop you from becoming a Cleveland firefighter!


After you take your FireTeam examination, some departments require you to take the Work Aptitude Examination.  This exam is trying to determine if you have the personality characteristics of a successful firefighter.  We have included our top-scoring strategies and sample questions for you to review.  You don’t want to reach this point in the hiring process and fail this portion of the exam. You won’t find this type of practice examination questions anywhere!

We also include our Top Scoring Test-taking, Mechanical and Physical Agility Strategies that have proven successful for thousands of applicants and our Watchlist of Ohio Fire Departments – includes department addresses and phone numbers to keep you current on examination information!

With your purchase, you will also receive a digital download of the following:

  • Don McNea Fire School’s Psychological Written and Oral Psychological Exam Preparation ($40 value!) to help you prepare for this portion of the hiring process that occurs after the written exam. The failure rate on this portion is over 30% - don’t let this stop you from becoming a Cleveland firefighter! 
  • Encyclopedia of Firefighter Examinations (normally $29.95) which contains over 500 questions divided into 16 of the most common testing subjects used on exams around the country 
  • Hiring Guide Notebook includes top scoring test taking, physical agility and oral interview strategies. 
  • Don McNea Fire School’s How to Become a Firefighter Booklet which contains over 100 articles from the nation’s top entry-level authors.  These articles cover the written, oral, psychological, physical agility and much more – click HERE for a look at the table of contents. 


This over 375-Question Preparatory Package is available for IMMEDIATE digital downloadprice is only $89.00 - you save on shipping costs and can print the material at home to begin studying right away! 


Testimonials from Past Don McNea Fire School Students…

  • “Don McNea Fire School was extremely helpful in allowing me to score high on all levels of the Cleveland Firefighter Examination. I am the third in my family to have successful results by using your preparatory materials.”
  • “The NTN/FireTeam exam prep for the Human Relations portion alone was well worth the price I paid! I would have paid 10 times this amount to have this kind of insight into the exam.”
  • “The exam prep for the Human Relations helped give me that edge that I never would have had without taking the class. Your class put me in the top percentile and in a position to be hired by the Cleveland Fire Department.”
  • “The practice exams were helpful to a person like me who has been out of school and testing for six years. Thank you to all who were involved in Don McNea Fire School.” 
  • "I took the National Testing Network fire exam twice and failed miserably.  I did an internet search and found your exam prep.  My exam score increased dramatically and put me in the top 5 on the eligibility list.  I really can't say thank you enough!"

Our best testimonials come from current Cleveland Firefighters who have been successful by taking our classes over the last 70 years.  If you are not sure whether or not to purchase our materials, we ask that you talk to a Cleveland firefighter who has prepared with our products in the past.


From this examination, at least 50-75 firefighters will be hired from the eligibility list, which will be in effect until at least 2024.  This is an excellent opportunity to become a Cleveland Firefighter! 

The starting salary of a Cleveland Firefighter is $61,000 and the salary after 4 years is $72,000.  Benefits include medical, dental, vision plan, 3 weeks paid vacation, retirement after 25 years of service and age 52!

This exam preparation comes with the recommendation and endorsement of the Cleveland Firefighters’ Union & the Cleveland Fire Chiefs’ Association.

For those of you who have never purchased a Don McNea Fire School preparatory package before, we don’t blame you for being skeptical.  What we can tell you is that by studying with our materials, you WILL dramatically increase your chances of becoming one of the 50-75 Cleveland Firefighters hiredOur successful results over the last 70 years of preparing Cleveland Fire Department applicants prove that!

You have to ask yourself the following question ~ With this exam format, will I be adequately prepared for the Cleveland Firefighter Exam to put me in the top percentile to be hired as a firefighter?

We have been preparing applicants since 1950; this is what our business specializes in.  If you feel at this time that you are adequately prepared for this examination, we wish you the best of luck!  If you want that extra edge over your competition that our 375-question custom-designed testing materials will provide, this prep package is for you!  And, remember that luck goes to the prepared!

We ask that when you consider the cost of the class, you view it as an investment in your future or the future of your family.  In today’s job market, there are not many employment opportunities that offer the same competitive salary, benefits, chance for advancement, and job security as the career of a firefighter. 

Don’t wait – start preparing for this exam IMMEDIATELY!


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Don McNea Fire School offices at 440.572.3919.