Don't be Bad With Names

07 January 2025
Chief Brent Collins, President,

Don’t be Bad with Names

When you are first assigned to a station, it goes a long way when you remember the names of your officers and the firefighters you work with.  

First, never call an officer by their first name; always use their rank and last name.

Second, keep a small pad and pen with you.  If you meet someone – let’s say his name is Jerry and he wears glasses.  Or you meet someone else with a moustache whose name is Bob.  Or someone who’s bald whose name is Ed.  Or a tall guy who is in good shape whose name is Bill.  After you introduce yourself, jot those names down along with some identifier to help you remember.

Use a firm handshake when meeting someone.  Say, My name is Jim Edwards and I’m glad to meet you.  I look forward to working with you.

Try to remember the names of the firefighters on the other shifts.  When you are going off duty, there will be a roll call and you’ll meet the other firefighters. 

If you forget someone’s name, quietly ask another firefighter that person’s name.  They know you are new and they know there are a lot of faces and names to remember.