28 November 2021
Chief Brent Collins, President, www.FirePrep.com
Don’t get sucked into firehouse gossip and negativity
You are a new rookie. You want to try to fit in and give your opinion to discussions on sports, politics, the city you are working for. If you don’t, you worry that people will think you aren’t sociable. That’s not the mindset to take. Here’s one word of advice – Keep your mouth shut!
We’re not saying to sit back and not say anything. Be engaging, smile, be pleasant, be respectful. But don’t get caught up in the gossip and politics of the fire station.
The kitchen table is where everyone congregates at all hours of the day. It’s the most common area of the firehouse. You’ll hear everything there – people making jokes, telling stories, personal problems, complaining about the chief or their officer. Don’t get caught up in it.
You are a long time away from engaging in such conversations. Even when you do, be careful what you say. You never know who is listening. As you try to go up the ranks, the chief and administration may remember what you said about them and it could come back to haunt you.
Smile, be positive, but the bottom line is to just stay neutral and watch what you say.